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Our Lady of Lourdes School, Ballymoney



Welcome to the Art Department


Miss L. Gaston


The Art Department strives at all times to be a hive of activity, busy and exciting in pursuit of the objectives of the department. Each pupil is treated with respect and encouraged to attain their maximum potential. As the standard of achievement in public exams is very high, good practice is essential to maintain this standard. Enjoyment of hard work and application is a core value. Overall our aims are as follows:

  • Stimulate the student’s interest and enjoyment of the arts
  • Broaden the student’s knowledge and understanding of arts practice, skills and development
  • Encourage independent learning skills in a safe and nurturing environment
  • Enable students to develop a range of desirable personal qualities: politeness, negotiation, compromise, co-operation, initiative, respect, organisation, and listening
  • Encourage the student to respect others regardless of bender, heritage, class, ability and so on
  • Enable the student to perceive the arts in their historical and social context; raising awareness of the powerful communicator of ideas and emotions that the arts can be
  • Encourage students to think critically about both their own work and that of others, including peers and exchange views on them so they can enhance their development
  • Encourage students to use a wide range of materials to develop their ideas and concepts with confidence thus encouraging self-expression
  • Ensure every pupil is treated with respect irrespective of the standard of their work
  • Use a wide variety of materials as possible and communicate effectively in oral, written, and digital media format where appropriate
  • Encourage self-development, empowering pupils to make informed and responsible decisions laying the basic ground for good citizenship and being able to work with others.

Key Stage 3

Pupils in key stage 3 use a wide range of techniques to record their observations, explore ideas and experiment. Pupils have the opportunities to work in a wide variety of artistic media such as:

  • Drawing
  • Painting
  • Printing
  • Collage
  • Researching
  • Digital cameras
  • Computer ICT
  • Chalk and oil pastels
  • Ceramics
  • Card construction
  • Papier mache
  • Textiles
  • Fashion design

Using many techniques and processes the students work in two and three dimensions. They will analyse and evaluate their own work, and the work of artists, designers and craft workers. Students will look for inspiration in the world around them and will be inspired by art from other cultures.

Key Stage 4 (GCSE)

GCSE art is a popular choice. In year 11 and 12 students embark on the AQA Art and Design syllabus. The course engages in a critical, practical and theoretical study of Art and Design. Pupils develop an appreciation of the work of artists, designers and craft workers from a range of cultural backgrounds. They also develop their own artistic practice.

The course consists of two units:

  • Unit 1: The Core Portfolio (Controlled Assessment) – 60%
  • Unit 2: Working to a Stimulus (ESA- Externally Set Assignment) – 40%

There is a wide range of opportunities available within the subject area, which supports students working in 2D and 3D, fine art and design. This includes:

  • Drawing
  • Painting
  • Graphic design
  • Textile design
  • Lens-based media
  • Critical and contextual studies
  • 3D design
  • Sculpture

In addition, pupils are encouraged to visit galleries and museums.


Our students are encouraged to achieve their potential; many go on to pursue Art at third level. To this end we have close links with external art institutions and visit exhibitions including the best of GCSE artwork in Northern Ireland. We have developed close links with Limavady Regional College which makes an invaluable contribution and is the next step for many of our art students. Visiting lecturers come to the Art Department to talk to the students and give them a flavour of what lies ahead. They explore a range of appropriate courses and outline the career opportunities that are on offer. Alternatively, many of our students attend local grammar schools to study Art and Design at A-level.





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