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Our Lady of Lourdes School, Ballymoney
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Pastoral Care


In Our Lady of Lourdes School, Pastoral Care permeates all aspects of school life. Pastoral Care reflects the values, attitudes, beliefs and practices of our faith and involves all members of our school community – children, parents and all other adults who contribute to the well-being of each pupil.

We endeavour to promote good relationships between staff/pupils/parents. As a staff we work as a team, respecting each other’s roles and recognising individual talents and expertise. We are concerned with the needs and well-being of each pupil and with the approaches and programmes we implement in order to aid his/her development.

In Years 8 to 12, each class has a Form Teacher, who meets with the class each morning. The Form Teacher is a key figure in our pastoral system and has a detailed knowledge of the needs, emotional development, progress and academic attainment of each pupil in his/her Form Class. Each year group has a Year Head who, working through a team of Form

Teachers, maintains an overview of the personal, social and academic development of each pupil in the year group.

We recognise and value the important role which parents play in their child’s education. Every effort is made to ensure that parents feel welcome, that they are made aware of their child’s individual needs, progress and achievements through the Pastoral Care Team, under the direction of the Head of Pastoral Care.


Our work to deal with bullying – in response to the victim and the bully – is inextricably linked to the Pastoral Care procedures in the school. It is our intention that:-

  • All pupils feel safe and secure within the school community.
  • Pupils are aware of the appropriate steps they must take when they are bullied.
  • All pupils shall behave in a tolerant and sensitive manner towards their peer group.
  • Parents are confident their children will receive the necessary support should a bullying incident occurs.
  • We promote a whole-school awareness of the negative and damaging effect of bullying using school assemblies, circle time and PSHE classes.

Drugs Education

Our policy on Drugs Education is based on the belief that in the current culture it is realistic to accept that some pupils may take drugs at some stage. Our major aim is to minimise the number of pupils who do, and to postpone the onset of those who will. This will be achieved by addressing a whole-school issue through, for example, our Health Education Programme.

A copy of our Drugs Policy is available from the school.


School Policy

  • We in Our Lady of Lourdes School aim to provide a caring, supportive and safe environment.
  • It is our responsibility to ensure that all individuals are protected from the risks of possible abuse.
  • The problem of child abuse, if it occurs, will not be ignored by anyone in our school.
  • All schools are required by law to have a Child Protection Policy. A detailed policy document is freely available on request from the School Office.


If at any time, a child makes a disclosure to a member of staff that gives rise to concerns about possible abuse, or if a member of staff has concerns about a child, the member of staff will act immediately and the following process will be applied.

He/she will speak to; Miss E Gillan (Designated Teacher) , (Mainstream Pupils)


Mrs B Delargy (Designated Teacher)

(Pupils in Learning Resource Centre)

If the designated teachers are not available concerns are brought to the attention of

Mrs J Ross (Head of Pastoral care) Deputy Designated Teacher

If appropriate a referral will be made immediately to;

Social Services CCMS

NEELB Care Unit (PSNI)

Parents will be kept informed in line with statutory requirements.

Where a disclosure is made in relation to Child Protection the school is legally obliged to refer the matter to Social Services immediately.


All aspects of discipline are provided for in the context of our Pastoral Care programme; our approach is to be positive, constructive and encouraging. It is the policy of the school to create a secure and happy environment, conducive to effective learning and personal development.

Pupils are encouraged to adopt responsible attitudes and values to enable them to become mature and caring adults, with respect and tolerance for others.

Our Lady of Lourdes strives at all times to maintain a harmonious atmosphere and so expects:

  • care, courtesy and good manners;
  • respect for school property;
  • a commitment to consistent hard work;
  • a high standard of dress, punctuality and attendance;
  • high levels of responsibility.

Parental co-operation is actively sought in these matters. Pupils and parents are issued with a yearly Information Guide in order to provide a valuable communication link between parents and school.



Achievement certificates and tangible rewards are awarded in Achievement Assemblies for:

  • Subject Specific Performance – recognition for best effort or performance.
  • Contribution to School Life – School Council, Prefects etc.
  • Extra-Curricular activities – Drama, Music, Sports etc.
  • Improved Attendance.
  • The Most Improved Pupil in each Year Group.

Reward Trips for all Year Groups take place in December and  June.


To ensure fairness and to avoid subjective judgment of pupils behaviour a Referral System is in operation.

A central record is kept of all pupils by the Form Teacher and Year Head and the number and nature of behaviour defaults “Bs” noted. Pupils who have 6 “Bs” will have a letter sent home to parents informing them of the situation. Continued misbehaviour will lead to an initiation of sanctions.


Poor, or less than satisfactory, school attendance invariably has a detrimental effect on a pupil’s education. Therefore, obtaining a good attendance from all our pupils is a priority in Our Lady of Lourdes High School. The following list outlines the guidelines used to monitor and improve attendance.

  • When absent from school the parent/guardian should telephone the school office before 9.00 am on the first day of absence. Failure to do so will mean that the school, will continue to make contact until an explanation for the absence is provided. On return to school the date(s) and reason for absence should be recorded in the pupil’s diary and signed by the parent/guardian.
  • Pupil attendance is monitored by Head of Pastoral Care, the Form Teacher, Year Head and the Attendance Co-ordinator. If any concerns arise the school’s Attendance Policy is followed and the Education Welfare Service can become involved.
  • Punctuality is an important part of self-discipline and is essential to good time management.

In the morning pupils must be in school by 8.55 am. Pupils who arrive late must report to the Main Office to ensure they are marked present. It is essential that all pupils are punctual for all classes.


We cater for children with statements for moderate learning difficulties at Stage 5 of the Special Educational Needs Code of Practice.



We offer:-

  • a broad and balanced curriculum;
  • differentiated individual education programmes;
  • a wide variety of extra-curricular activities;
  • highly skilled staff working in partnership;
  • small teaching groups;
  • onsite physiotherapy, occupational therapy, speech and language therapy where appropriate;
  • career guidance; and
  • an emphasis on inclusive practice.


For further information contact Mrs B. Delargy, Head of Learning Resource Centre.


 At Our Lady of Lourdes School we recognise the need to support pupils as much as possible as they make their transition between primary and post primary school and between key stages.

In November our staff visit all our feeder Primary  Schools to talk to the Primary 7 teachers and pupils about our school and we follow this with  an  Open Day of  events and activities.

An induction evening takes place in June for all pupils who are transferring in August. This is an opportunity for pupils and parents to meet the staff and Pastoral Care Teams.

An innovative and creative transition programme is delivered to our Year 8 in the form of a residential and in partnership with our Year 12 students who support them in a mentoring programme.


Our Year 12 students are paired with Year 8 pupils in their transition from primary to post primary. The Year 12 students give the Year 8 pupils confidence and raise their self esteem and feelings of belonging to the school. They organise paired reading  and sports activities as part of their induction programme.